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Industry Jargon Explained

As part of our commitment to providing a transparent service we have created a jargon buster for you. If you have spoken with energy suppliers or consultants you may have come across these terms before

Industry Jargon Phrases - G to P


The private business contracted to operate the MRA as MRASCO and the SEC

GWH (Giga Watt Hour)

1,000,000 kWh or 1,000 MWH

Global Complex

The connected nature of the globalised energy market whereby e.g. demand in Europe can affect supply and price in the UK


The network that transports energy from source to destination. Also describes the payment market between suppliers & generators

GSP (Grid Supply Point)

The point in each regional distribution network where the transmission network connects to it

Half Hourly Data (HHD)

Data sourced from a half hourly meter in 30 minute intervals, collected and aggregated by your DC/DA

AAHEDC (Assistance for Areas with High Electricity Distribution Costs)

A charge to reduce the cost of the distribution of electricity in certain areas such as the North of Scotland.

Incumbent supplier

The current supplier of a meter

Interruptible Supply

Specialised contracts for intensive gas users to cut demand in peak periods to balance the network

kVA (Kilo volt amperes)

A measure of the difference between real and apparent power arising because of inefficiencies in electrical transmission

kWh (Kilowatt hour)

A measure of power taken over time; 1,000 watt-hours or 3.5 mega joules

Levy Exempt Power

Electricity from a non-fossil fuel source of generation e.g. renewable energy and therefore not liable for CCL

Line Loss Factor (LLF)

A multiplier applied to a meter & used to estimate the losses in transporting energy along the distribution network


Availability of commodity in a traded market, the higher, the stronger liquidity and lower the influence of a single transaction

LNG (Liquid Natural Gas)

Gas converted & compacted to less than 1/600th of its gaseous state to facilitate ease of transportation over long distances

Load Factor

The absolute consumption divided by the maximum energy ‘demanded’ at a specific point as measured by a Maximum demand mete

Maximum Demand (MD)

The maximum energy ‘demanded’ by a metering system at a specific point

Meter Asset Manager (MAM)

The entity who maintain the gas meter installed in a premise

Meter Asset Provider (MAP)

The entity who owns the gas meter installed in a premise

Meter Operator (MOP)

The entity who maintains an electricity meter installed in a premise

Meter Serial Number

The non-unique serial number of a gas or electricity meter, used to identify the meter and not the supply point

Meter Timeswitch Code (MTC)

Identifies the rate/time periods that a meter will support to measure meter consumption across differing periods

Micro Business

A business using under 100,000kWh of electricity, 293,000kWh of gas, with fewer than 10 staff and turnover less than €2m

M Number (MPRN, Meter Point Reference Number)

The unique reference applied to the gas supply point in a premise, the gas industry version of the Supply Number


The unique reference for a metering system at a supply point. The ‘bottom line’ of the Supply Number


The 14 regional areas that hold centralised data about each customer meter and supply point

MRA (Meter Registration Agreement)

The rules that govern the DTN and underpin the registration processes of the electricity market. Managed by MRASCO.

National Grid

The Company that owns the electricity transmission network and the gas pipeline network

Network Code (The Uniform Network Code)

The legal framework of the gas industry designed to facilitate competition


The process within the registration window where the supplier blocks the transfer


The non-customer facing industry regulator responsible for the competitive energy market, a non-ministerial government department reporting to DECC

P272 & P322

P272 & P322 proposes to make HH Settlement mandatory for all Metering Systems within PCs 5-8 (where capable metering has been installed), as the Proposer believes that the use of Non Half Hourly (NHH) data is not as accurate and masks individual customer behaviour. Rolled out in april 2014 with a deadline of April 2017.

Pass Through Charges

Elements of the energy and non-energy prices that can be changed and passed through under the contract terms e.g. levies, transportation & metering costs or wholsale

PWH (Peta Watt Hour)

1,000,000,000,000 kWh, 1,000,000,000 MWH, 1,000,000 GWH, 1,000 TWH


HMRC’s Climate Change Levy Relief Supporting Analysis document intended to prove, via supporting analysis, a business’ claim for relief


HMRC’s document to inform an energy supplier of the level of relief to be applied against a business’ CCL liability

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